Hello Everyone,

I’ve long wanted to start a Sports Blog but never quite had the motivation.  I’m thinking about going back to school in the near future after being out for almost 10 years.  Hence, I thought it would be a good idea to practice my critical and creative writing skills.  Forgive me if its a bit rough at first.  I hope to look into local sports issues and offer a different perspective than what you’ve read elsewhere.  Failing that, I’d like to share some other opinions and news facts from time to time.   This blog is really going to focus on the New York  Yankees, Knicks, and Giants with a smattering of NY Rangers tidbits.  I’ll also comment on the Mets and the Jets once in a while because they are interesting.  I just miss the cutoff of being old enough to remember when the Isles were a relevant sports franchise.  So that’s what you can expect.  Happy 2014 Everyone.




Inaugural Post!